
Luxembourgish organic wines

We sell organic wines from Luxembourg from Cave Bernard-Massard, among others.

A winegrower who produces organic wine does not use chemical or synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. The intention is to achieve a biological balance in his vineyards, so that these chemicals are not necessary. The way in which this is achieved differs per wine grower and region and is of course also closely related to the climate.

The winegrower stimulates the resistance of the vine and ensures that the vine can withstand the attacks of natural enemies such as insects and fungi as best as possible. The soil is cared for with organic manure and compost and mechanical soil cultivation is carried out as sparingly and carefully as possible, so as not to damage the natural balance. The aim is for the best possible yield from the vine instead of a maximum yield, quality over quantity. This creates a healthy, natural balance in the vineyard, which results in a long-lasting and even yield.

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